In this soft-hued set from photographer Sasha Eisenman, Playmates Dominique Jane and Gia Marie will have you seeing red. Back in November 2014, we asked Gia how she was enjoying Playmate-hood, why and while we were at it, why redheads are so appealing. “I associate November with fall’s warm colors, like my hair color,” she says. “Lots of guys tell me that they love redheads because when they were young, they opened a Playboy, saw their first redhead and were hooked! Gia’s fellow ginger and Playmate sister, Dominique Jane, chimes in with a few words of similar wisdom. “The redder the head, the better in bed,” she says with a giggle. “The stereotype is true!” November’s not so cold with these two hot-blooded redheads, right here on Playboy Plus.